..........what every woman secretly wishes men know and do

To Take Control of Their Sex Life, Determine When They Release, Grow a Fatter, Longer and Thicker Penis, Produce Quality Sperm, and be the Man That Satisfies and Makes Her Scream at Ungodly

Fact: It’s not viagra and certainly not tramadol, the answer has been right inside your body all this time...and...I’ll show it to you shortly...

Watch This Video First

Dear Friend,

Let’s be honest!

Nothing gives joy like 'mad' sex

…especially one that lasts.

One that keeps her moaning loudly from your powerful thrusts,

screaming out your names in toe-curling ecstasy while digging her nails into your flesh and begging you allow her cum!

Sex that reminds her of who you were and what you were capable of doing,


“Sex that knocks her off balance”

...that’s what I call it…

because you are guaranteed of coming back to the smiles and arms of a woman well-pounded...with signs…

she’s already wet for you to take her there and then.

...just only by thinking of you...and how you dominate everything about her.

Is this possible again you ask?

Follow me.

I’ll reveal to you the only solution you ever need to answer a man again.

In fact, with what I am going to show you, you will never again have to stay awake at night worrying about where your strength went to.

...or what to do to get your dick rock-steady ready to penetrate her haven.

But first..

  • Is finishing before 1 minute (if you do reach it) of penetration your nightmare?

  • Are you tired of not making her moan in joy again?

  • Do you feel anxious every time you want to get down to business with any woman?

  • Do you constantly worry about not sustaining a hard and firm erection?

Okay, how about this:

  • Do you desire to give any woman mind-shattering and repeated orgasms that would keep her chained to you body and soul?

  • Do you wish to enjoy your fulfilled marital life without worrying about your dick not rising to the occasion?

  • Do you want to be in control of the time you choose to release when in action?

  • Do you desire to maintain a hard and firm erection for more than you have ever done in your entire life?

  • Do you want to boost your sperm count and increase your chances of fertilizing your woman’s eggs so you can have your own baby?

...if you’ve been nodding your head to these questions, then, this might be the most revealing webpage you will ever read...in your life.


I know exactly how and what it feels like to have a woman looking at you and shaking her head in doubt of your power as a man.

...even to the point of using it against you during harmless home quarrels.

Don’t feel bad, you are not alone.

You see, just like you, I used to suffer terribly from erectile dysfunction (ED), the leading cause of ‘premature ejaculation’.

...And to be honest, I can’t count the number of times I denied myself of my own satisfaction just to please my woman.

I loved her.

And so during those dark moments, I felt less of a man, humiliated, frustrated, and confused.

The truth is,

nothing worries a man as not being able to take charge of his own home (lovemaking) and most importantly...his woman...

...you don’t want to give the devil the chance to start whispering nonsense ideas to her - to explore other able men because your manhood fail to obey her sexual satisfaction…

just to get a taste of a good fuck that lasts long

You know!

As a troubled man, I started off researching for a cure like crazy.

...I read blogs, articles, and went for many paid and unpaid classes joined with the many concoctions they mixed and gave me.

I needed a solution so I did all I was asked and paid every dime requested.

But you know already how it ends.

Spikes of hope, here and there.

It’ll work for a moment and then stop right when you needed it most.

...with very risky side effects.

It was very terrible and embarrassing to even talk about.

I mean how do you even start to explain that you release before you even start.

That you always leave your partner hungry for more each time?

That you can’t even sustain an erection for penetration or that it goes down once it enters there.

No na...that’s not the way.

You see,

Erectile dysfunction is a far bigger problem than most men realize. As many as over 80% of us between the ages of 40-89 experience it in a lifetime...

..the problem is that most of us prefer to die in shame rather than talk about it.

‘I can understand why though’.

Believe me, no one would want to talk about not lasting long in bed for fear of hearing it outside and having people making fun of your condition.

Would you?

That’s not like the normal conversation we have often while with friends

...it took me enough courage to open up to my junior staff, who by the way boasted that he has tasted half of the females in my office because of…

...a unique 'miracle masterpiece' he uses.

...and by the way, there was nothing so special about him.

In fact, that was what got me curious.

...he had no muscle, where a six-pack should be was visibly replaced by a growing pot belly.

...his normal salary was just above 700ghc, yet he could boast of having women he ever slept with come back begging for more

...even married ones.

I got curious and went on to try too...and the results for that first day was normal.

...however, the second day was something else.

I could hardly understand what was happening.

We started off with dirty talks after dinner, then foreplay, before I suggested she climb me.

When I noticed how long it has been was when she started complaining of her knees paining her because of the bicycle dance on top.

…I got on top her and continued without much thought and even though the fan right above us was at top speed, we still covered the foam with buckets of sweat.

However, I won’t boast that everything is perfect.

...But, I can assure you that my neighbors cough knowingly each morning at the car park.

And my woman, very full of smiles after each ministration nowadays.

You should know,

that each day you live, your sex cells weakens

...and it’s not your fault.

It’s a biological function that most people selling ‘sex enhancement’ drugs don’t just understand or might not be willing to tell you.

...so you don’t stop buying and making them millions

While slowing killing yourself with their poison and making your woman belittle your power as a man.

The thing is,

There is nothing wrong with you.

As a normal human being, you worry, you get tired, you get little rest and exercise and this can affect your overall sex life.

At your age, what you need is to take care of your body so you live long and not to introduce what will damage it instead.

What you need are chemical compounds that work with your body system to restore strength and vitality.

One of which is Tongak Ali+

Tongak Ali Root is the powerful blend of lasting long blend of plants and the 'Miracle' molecules (L 'Arginine) that restores your blood level to normal while aiding metabolism and ehancning cardiovascular activities

The introduction of this powerful blend into your body system will naturally:

  • End your quick ejaculation
  • Improve your fertility rate
  • Give strength to your private organ
  • Enhance your sexual performance
  • Aid cardiovascular activities and naturally prevent prostate cancer.
  • Maintain normal urinary flow and promote metabolism.

“You should know”

...high blood level is the major cause of incomplete and unfirm erection and small manhood among many men during erection.

  • This product relieves impotence by balancing the sensitivities of the genitalia to dilate blood vessels and boost erection.

...perfect for men between (40-89), the natural herbs, vitamins, and minerals from this product support optimal health and enhance physical and mental performance.


...stop giving the excuse I used to give

...‘but, I am tired from work honey’

Rather start hearing,

…’ baby, thank you or maybe, my whole body is paining me already, please na tomorrow’.

“Because Of”


Ultimate Xpower Erection Booster Coffee for men is naturally formulated with the ancient leaves (Herbs) called Tongak Ali root and to enhance the efficacy of this product the scientist who discovered this product also added.

1. Epimedium Roots.

2. Tongak Ali Roots.

3. American Gingseng

4. Maca Root to this Ultimate Xpower Erection Booster Coffee making it a perfect solution for weak erection, quick ejaculation and the health complication that coes with it.

1. Epimedium Roots.

This powerful herbs increase sexual urge in men with low libido; it is used in treating erectile dysfunction and it increases physical energy thereby enabling men perform well in bed.

Epimedium root is also used to balacnce abnormal hormones level, reduce stress, improve the fucntions of the immune system and boost male fertility in general

2. Tongak Ali+.

This herbal helps the body to produc sex hormones; it specifically boost the Prodcution of testoterone and routinizing hormones in men.

3. American Ginseng

This is a popular American Herbs that is usec in treating: Low sex drive, Low Diffuclty getting and maintaining an erection.

4. Maca Root

This is a powerful natural aphrodisiac that is used to increase sexual libido and pleasure; it active ingredient Icariin helps to increase the flow of blood to the extreme parts of the body including the Penis, Testes and this helps in getting a strong erection and maintaining it.

My DM flows with testimonies of people giving review about what this has done for them.

Or is it Mr Joshep that result after many years of suffering from preamture ejaculation that has caused a lot of issue in his home

Listen to what Mr Richard and Koffi has to say here

Just listen to what Mr Nelson has to say here

Listen to what Doctor Samuel has to here too

  • With the ‘Erectile Dysfunction Killer’ dietary supplement rich in Tongak Ali Root you can henceforth give ‘your woman’ addictive and mind-blowing sexual pleasure and still confidently feel ‘manlier’ without any potential side effects starting from today

  • Erectile Dysfunction Killer is very good at boosting and giving a harder erection so you can pound and penetrate better.

  • Have erections when you want it and still be able to maintain a thick hard-rock erection that doesn’t disappoint

  • What of watery sperm?

Erectile Dysfunction Killer in a matter of days will thicken your sperm, increase its quality, and better chances of fertilizing her egg.

  • You will finally save your face again, regain your pride,
    save your marriage or relationship and avoid the before embarrassing moments of cumming before you even begin

Let me tell you.

Erectile dysfunction causes depression even for the strongest of men and unsatisfactory sex life can be the downfall of even that your supposed strong relationship.

...This product does not in any way stop or reduce any sexual pleasure like most products of its kind out there.

It will, as a matter of fact, enhance the beginning and climax moments making it juicier and all through pleasurable for you both.


...You don’t need to lie awake every night again worrying who you offended my brother.

Take control of your sex life; become satisfied and a satisfying lover now.

For you to get the best result out of the Erectile Dysfunction Killer you want to order in our company you will also be getting.....

1. The Free Skin Regeneration Enlargement Oil: Worth(200ghc)

This supplement alone guarantees you don’t disgrace your ancestors with the needed stamina during heavy weight fuck..

Don’t just go there and water our collective efforts down.

If she wants 30 minutes, tell her you are ready and fit.

Tell her that you’ll fuck her until she runs.

Believe me, in less than 7 days of applying this enlargement oil softly around your organs, you’ll notice differences like never before.

2. (The 365 Sex Moves) Worth 50ghc

You will also different Sex Positions to enjoy sex new with your way each day and revered blueprint: 365 Sex Position delivered to your inbox)

But Take Note: That this is a digital product not a physical product and you will get access to it on whatsapp

Our sales repsentative you will message on whatssapp after placing an order will send it to you

Don't take my word for it.

I have helped so far over 500 take control of thier sex life and save thier relationships

Take for instance Engr. Charles who personally told me about is watery sperm condition.

Engr. Abeiku, Tamale

Last Busstop

I don't regret investing to get this product, in fact, within 3 days, I started noticing changes in my sperm form and i began going over 5minutes...''


Take for instance Hon.Jaja who not only last longer but now believed my online store was different from the rest.....

Pst Kojo, Kumasi

Very Effective Product

''I enjoyed the product more than anything else'

lasting long with my wife has always been my fantasy. I'd never been a believer in online stores'

but you are different


Mr Anthony, Dambai

It Amazed Me

I got it in 2 days as you promised and implemented with your follow-ups, we have so far tried over 40 styles and there are more.


Mrs. Afafa, Accra

It is 100% Perfect

When my husband came home with this Ultimate Xpower Erection Booster Coffe For Men i actually scold him for getting another fake product again after many trial but he told me they said this one is different until he try it on me.

That night was the night i can't forget again because since then my husband sex game has changed


Dr Maxwell, Kumasi

More Blessing

Ultimate XPower Erection Booster Coffee not only saved my life, but ot made my life better than I could ever imagine.

I am happy to say that my erections are now harder and longer than ever. I'm not going to tell you what my wife said but she was very happy.

I would difinitely recommeded Ultimate XPower Erection Booster Coffee to any man who is looking for a way to overcome poor bedroom performance.


Brother, I am willing to send you a complete pack of the Erectile Dyscfunction Killer, today so that you can get your own personal result and recommend me to your friends as well.

.......If you placed an order today for Erectile Dysfuntion Killer now,

I will send you the 2 other Fast Action Bonuses For Free and details on how to use it even today.


I know you already perceived the value I am giving you to be worth over 1200ghc

...very true.

But I am never going to allow you to pay that

Not now and even in the near future.

Not even the 900ghc I started initially with and 850ghc others are selling ‘something close’ to the masterpiece I offer even without tangible results.

All you are going to ever pay is (400ghc) highly discounted just for YOU!


You are among the over 1,000 people reading this now + my repeat buyers + their huge number of buying referrals.

Take this from me: I will run out of stock before you make up your mind.

...Now there are two choices

First Option: Do nothing, and not take this leap of faith.

Second Option: Take me up on this small investment today (including but not limited to the Bonuses lined up) and give it a shot at!

....the great thing is that

...Every order comes with a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

If it works ( Which I have seen time and again) great....... if not Just ask for a REFUND and get it back + extra 150ghc to say sorry for wasting your time.

........and you will still get to keep the product + freebies (Bonus)

(No question asked at all

and request for all the money you've spen in getting this product

........ I am confident that you will love this product because of the amazing result i myself and other people have gotten so far from this solution i'm offering you.

You stand to loose NOTHING

Ler me assure you:

No one would know the contents of the package except you

When you compare the package to how much you will pay for an IMPOTENT AND INFERTILITY TREATMENT worth Thousands of Ghana Cedis

What about the emotional embarassement of quick ejaculation?

You will realise that the cost of this Masterpieces is highly low.

Good Health is better than Money

It's pay on delivery....................

........... Which means I will be delivering it to your Home or Office FOR FREE and then you pay to avoid any issues.

Hurry up and place your order now because we have limited stock available and due to the high demand of this powerful product we will run out of stock soon!




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Say Goodbye to weak erection & Quick ejaculation Permanently


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Say Goodbye to weak erection & Quick ejaculation Permanently


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Say Goodbye to weak erection & Quick ejaculation Permanently

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